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Biological remedies Heel GmbH



Regular price £44.35 GBP
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This product is intended for pets only. A delivery to food-supplying animals is excluded!

warning notice For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.

Homeopathic medicinal product

active ingredients

  • 5 mg Funiculus umbilicalis suis D6
  • 5 mg Cartilago suis D6
  • 9 mg Sulfur D6
  • 5 mg Placenta suis D6
  • 5 mg sodium diethyloxalaceticum D8
  • 5 mg Acidum thiocticum D8
  • 5 mg coenzyme A D8
  • 5 mg Nadidum D8
  • 50 mg Arnica montana D3
  • 25 mg Symphytum officinale D6
  • 25 mg Solanum dulcamara D3
  • 5 mg Embryo suis D6
  • 25 mg Toxicodendron quercifolium D2
  • 7.5 mg Sanguinaria canadensis D4


  • water for injections
  • sodium chloride

Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication.
If symptoms persist, seek medical advice.

None known.

None known. As with all medicines, interactions with other medicines can also occur with homeopathic medicines. If Zeel ad us. vet is to be used at the same time as another medicine, ask your veterinarian.

Side effects:
None known.

When treated with a homeopathic medicine, the existing symptoms can temporarily worsen (initial aggravation). In this case, you should stop taking the medicine and consult your veterinarian. If you notice any side effects in your pet(s) that are not listed in the leaflet, please tell your veterinarian or pharmacist. Consume immediately after opening. Opened ampoules should be discarded.

Target animal species:

Dosage and method of administration:
Unless otherwise prescribed, Zeel ad us. vet inject subcutaneously.

Depending on the animal species, the single dose per day is:
Large dog: 3-4 ml
Medium-sized dog: 2 ml
Small dog: 1-2 ml

In the case of chronic diseases, the single dose can be repeated at intervals of 4 days for long-term treatment.

Duration of treatment:
Note: The preparation should not be used for a long period of time without veterinary advice.

Precautionary measures for use:
In the case of persistent, unclear, periodic or newly occurring complaints, fever or severe disturbances of the general condition, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. In the case of hypersensitivity to composite plants, Zeel should be taken ad us. vet be used with caution. Like all medicines, homeopathic medicines should only be used during pregnancy and lactation after consulting a veterinarian.

1 ampoule of 5 ml (= 5 g) contains: Active ingredients:

Cartilago suis Dil. D6 (HAB, regulation 42a) 5 mg, Funiculus umbilicalis suis Dil. D6 (HAB, regulation 42a) 5 mg, Embryo totalis suis Dil. D6 (HAB, regulation 42a) 5 mg, Placenta totalis suis Dil. D6 (HAB, regulation 42a) 5 mg, Solanum dulcamara Dil. D3 25 mg, Symphytum officinale e radice Dil. D6 (HAB, prescription 3a) 25 mg, Nadidum Dil. D8 (HAB, regulation 5a) 5 mg, Coenzyme A dil. D8 (HAB, regulation 5a) 5 mg, Sanguinaria canadensis Dil. D4 7.5 mg, Arnica montana dil. D3 50mg, Sulfur Dil. D6 9 mg, sodium diethyloxalaceticum dil. D8 aquos. (HAB, regulation 8b) 5 mg, Acidum alpha-liponicum dil. D8 aquos. (HAB, rule 8b) 5 mg, Rhus toxicodendron dil. D2 25 mg.
The components 1 to 11 are potentised together over the last 2 steps according to HAB, regulation 40a.

sodium chloride, water for injections.

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