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Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris

Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris

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BEHREND wart remover liquid, Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris

pack size:2ml Dosage form:liquid

BEHREND wart remover liquid

BEHREND wart remover liquid

Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris, BEHREND HOMECARE® Wart Remover

 is a medical device for treating common warts. It contains monochloroacetic acid, a substance that has a peeling effect on the skin. The wart peels off layer by layer. Monochloroacetic acid ensures that the cells containing the wart virus disappear.

Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris Convenient and easy application in just three steps


BEHREND wart remover liquid

Cream the surrounding skin with zinc ointment/Vaseline to prevent possible chemical burns on the healthy skin.

STEP 2: Apply
only once! Only apply BEHREND HOMECARE® wart remover to the wart with the spatula. Avoid contact with healthy skin.

BEHREND wart remover liquid


Visible result to be expected after approx. 7 days. If not, we recommend repeating the treatment after a week.

BEHREND wart remover liquid

Apply BEHREND HOMECARE® Wart Remover with the greatest possible care. The solution is caustic. Be careful with hard-to-reach parts of the body, such as the soles of the feet. This is especially true for people with limited mobility or in the case of impaired fine motor skills (shaky hands, stiff fingers). Close the bottle well after use.

Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris, BEHREND HOMECARE® wart remover to be used exclusively for:


Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid

Common warts (verruca vulgaris)
• Occurs in particular on the hands and feet;
• They are the same color as the skin;
• Size varies from less than a millimeter to more than a centimeter;
• As a rule, several warts appear at the same time;
• Transmission often occurs through direct contact, such as through a towel or door handle;
• Scratching and nail biting increases the risk of infection

Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris. Do not use BEHREND HOMECARE® Wart Remover on: Warts caused by old age.


Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris

• Can take on different shapes and colors;
• The medium size is 0.5 to 1 cm;
• Initially, it often manifests as a skin-colored, yellow-brown or grey-brown spot with a rough, velvety surface;
• They appear as if they are lying on the surface of the skin and are easily scratched off, but are firmly attached to the skin;
• They can appear on any part of the body except the palms and soles of the hands and the lips. However, there are certain places where these warts are particularly common - such as the chest, back, face (especially the temples) and neck.

Monochloroacetic acid, demineralized water

2 ml bottle

General Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris information:

Read the instructions for use carefully before using BEHREND HOMECARE® wart remover, even if you have used this medical product before. The information contained herein may have been updated to reflect the latest research and data when you open a new package. This medical product does not require a prescription. Nevertheless, care must be taken when using BEHREND HOMECARE® wart remover in order to achieve a good result. Keep these instructions for use so that you can refer to the details later if necessary.

Wart removal, BEHREND wart remover liquid, monochloroacetic acid, verruca vulgaris


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