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ANTYPOT powdered 30g | astringent

ANTYPOT powdered 30g | astringent

Regular price £12.99 GBP
Regular price £20.00 GBP Sale price £12.99 GBP
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  • Antypot prevents excessive sweating of feet and eliminates the unpleasant odor of decomposing sweat through bactericidal action, astringent and drying the skin.

Acidum salicylicum 0.3g, Acidum boricum 3.0g, Alumeni 3.0g, Talcum venetum ad 30.0g.

Antypot prevents excessive sweating of feet and eliminates the unpleasant odor of decomposing sweat through bactericidal action, astringent and drying the skin.
Backfill Antypot is used in excessive sweating of the skin of the feet, especially with the unpleasant smell of decomposing sweat.

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