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WALA Heilmittel GmbH

Anthroposophic medicine, PLATINUM CHLORATUM, PANCREAS comp.ampoules

Anthroposophic medicine, PLATINUM CHLORATUM, PANCREAS comp.ampoules

Regular price £60.35 GBP
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PLATINUM CHLORATUM/PANCREAS comp.ampoules, Anthroposophic medicine

pack size:10X1ml Dosage form:ampoules

Anthroposophic medicine

active ingredients

  • 100 mg Carbovegetabilis D5
  • 100 mg pancreas suis glycerol extract D7
  • 100 mg Acidum hexachloroplatinum aquosum D5
  • 100 mg Oxalis e planta tota ferm 34b D2
  • 100 mg Cichorium e planta tota ferm 33c D2


  • water for injections
  • Lactose-1 water in parenterals from trituration, containing protein
  • sodium chloride
  • sodium bicarbonate

Platinum chloratum/Pancreas comp .
Area of ​​application according to anthroposophical knowledge of man and nature.

Stimulation of the digestive and intermediate digestive activity in the case of weakness of the pancreas.

Unless otherwise directed, inject 1 ml subcutaneously 1 to 3 times a week to once a day.

Treatment of the condition should be completed after 2 weeks. If there is no improvement within this period, a doctor should be consulted.

There is insufficient documented experience with the use of this medicine in children. It should therefore not be used in children under 12 years of age.

Liquid dilution for injection: 1 ml contains:
Carbo vegetabilis Dil. D5 0.1 g, Cichorium intybus e planta tota ferm 33c Dil. D2 0.1 g (HAB, method 33c), Oxalis acetosella e planta tota ferm 34b Dil. D2 0.1 g (HAB, method 34b), Pancreas suis Gl Dil. D7 0.1 g (HAB, Method 41a), Platinum chloratum Dil. D5 aquos. 0.1 g (HAB. vs. 5b).

Contains milk protein (from lactose ).

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