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ALIUD Pharma Ltd

AMOROLFINE, nail polish, nail fungus treatment, toe nail fungus

AMOROLFINE, nail polish, nail fungus treatment, toe nail fungus

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AMOROLFINE, nail polish, nail fungus treatment, toe nail fungus

Amorolfine AL 5% medicated nail polish

Active substance: amorolfine.

To treat fungal diseases affecting up to 2 nails and the front half or edges of the nails.

For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

ALIUD PHARMA® GmbH, PO Box 1380, 89146 Laichingen.

Amorolfine AL 5% nail polish containing active ingredients AMOROLFINE AL 5% for nail fungus • With proven active ingredient Amorolfine • 1x weekly • For external use For nail fungus infections

Nail fungus is a common infectious disease. Toenails in particular are most commonly affected. Those affected suffer from the unaesthetic nails and feel restricted in everyday life and in their leisure activities. Nail fungus does not heal on its own. Treatment is therefore essential. The greatest possible effect is achieved when the first signs of a nail change are visible and the therapy is started early. Fungal infections of the nails are very stubborn. Consistent treatment with, for example, AMOROLFINE AL 5% can free the affected toenails from nail fungus.

Has an antifungal effect
The active ingredient amorolfine belongs to the group of antifungals (agents against fungal diseases). Amorolfine penetrates the nail deep into the nail bed. There, the active ingredient unfolds its antifungal (antimycotic) effect. The effect lasts for a long time and the nail fungus is effectively combated. The affected nail may become detached during treatment with amorolfine.

Recommendation AMOROLFINE, nail polish, nail fungus treatment, toe nail fungus for use: Step 1 Filing off the nail The diseased nail including the nail surface is filed off as thoroughly as possible before the first application. Step 2 Cleaning the nail The surface of the nail is cleaned with one of the supplied alcohol swabs (or nail polish remover). Step 3 Applying the varnish

With the supplied spatula, the nail polish is applied evenly over the entire surface of the nail. The paint is dry after 3-5 minutes.

Step 4 Cleaning the spatula The spatula used in step 3 must be carefully cleaned with the alcohol swab (step 2) after each treatment process. AMOROLFINE AL 5% is used to treat fungal infections affecting up to 2 nails and the front half or edges of the nails. If the nails are more severely affected, please consult a doctor. The use of AMOROLFINE AL 5% is limited to fungal infections that do not involve the nail bed. Detailed information can be found in the instructions for use of AMOROLFINE AL 5%.

The right nail care

The affected nails are contagious and can infect neighboring nails at any time. Nails should be trimmed regularly and kept short. Nail care should be done carefully to avoid injury.

Leisure activities It is not uncommon for nail fungus to develop on the basis of athlete's foot. Mushrooms like it warm and humid. It is advisable to wear bathing shoes in public baths and to dry your feet adequately. Sports shoes should be dried out well and disinfected if necessary. 

In old age The risk of contracting nail fungus increases with age. The immune system and blood circulation decrease. The thickness of the skin decreases. Impaired vision can also lead to a lack of foot care.

Frequently asked questions AMOROLFINE, nail polish, nail fungus treatment, toe nail fungus & answers
How do I recognize nail fungus?
Nail disease starts with nail changes and nail discoloration. Initially, oblong or semi-circular, whitish or yellow or grey-brown spots are usually visible in the nail. As the disease progresses, the nail plate thickens. This can become brittle and crumbly. The original nail substance is increasingly destroyed.

How long do I have to use AMOROLFINE AL 5%?
The once-weekly application of AMOROLFINE 5% should generally be continued for 6 months for fingernails and 9 to 12 months for toenails. It is important to continue using the nail polish until the infection is cleared and the healthy nail has grown back.

Can I go swimming while being treated with AMOROLFINE AL 5%?
Yes. Showering, bathing or swimming will not affect the paintwork. The varnish does not detach from the nail when it comes into contact with water. AMOROLFINE AL 5% therefore continues to work.

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