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PEKANA Naturheilmittel GmbH

AILGENO drops 100 ml Glechoma hederacea

AILGENO drops 100 ml Glechoma hederacea

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AILGENO drops 100 ml Glechoma hederacea

AILGENO Glechoma hederacea Active ingredients

  • 115 mg Amanita muscaria D4
  • 115 mg Acidum arsenicosum D6
  • 55 mg Silybum marianum D15
  • 160 mg Ceanothus americanus D4
  • 125 mg Cinchona pubescens 6X
  • 175 mg Glechoma hederacea 6X
  • 170 mg Grindelia robusta D6
  • 85 mg sodium chloratum D12

Auxiliary materials

  • Ethano

AILGENO Glechoma hederacea

Areas of application
Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no therapeutic indication is given. Medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist during use.

AILGENO Glechoma hederacea Dosage

Unless otherwise prescribed:

In acute conditions , take 5 drops in a little water every half to full hour, no more than 6 times a day. Use for more than a week should only be done after consulting a homeopathically experienced therapist.

In chronic forms, take 5 drops 1 to 3 times a day in a little water.

If the symptoms improve , the frequency of use should be reduced.

AILGENO Glechoma hederacea Ingredients

100 g contain:

Agaricus muscarius  

D 4 11.5 g

Arsenicum album        

D 6 11.5 g

Carduus marianus 

 D 15 5.5 g

Ceanothus americanus        

D 4 16.0 g

Cinchona pubescens spag. Peka (China) 

    D 6 12.5 g

Glechoma hederacea spag. Peka   

   D 6 17.5 g

Grindelia robusta spag. Peka       

  D 6 17.0 g

Natrum muriaticum           

    D 12 8.5 g

Other information
5 drops contain 0.0171 g of alcohol.

amanita muscaria benefits

Rubbing with Amanita Muscaria is useful for the treatment of neck fatigue, back pain, especially sitting or lying down and having muscular pains in the back area, joint pain, joint cracking, rheumatism, radiculitis, weakness in the limbs, finger twitching, numbness, frostbite.

What is Silybum marianum used for?

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is an herbal supplement used to treat liver and biliary disorders. Silymarin, a mixture of flavanoid complexes, is the active component that protects liver and kidney cells from toxic effects of drugs, including chemotherapy.

Ceanothus americanus benefits

The leaves have a fresh scent of wintergreen and were later utilized by the European colonizers as a tea substitute and stimulating caffeine-free beverage. The root bark of the plant is used by herbalists today, and are used notably in remedies for problems of the lymph system.

Cinchona pubescens benefits

Cinchona is used for increasing appetite; promoting the release of digestive juices; and treating bloating, fullness, and other stomach problems. It is also used for blood vessel disorders including hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and leg cramps.

glechoma hederacea benefits

The dried plant and crushed leaves are used to make medicine. People take ground ivy for mild lung problems, coughs, and bronchitis. They also take it for arthritis and other joint pain, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), stomach problems, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder infections, bladder stones, and kidney stones.
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